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01 Jun, 2024. Sat Admin

Welcome to WilaWane Blog: Introducing Our New Website!

At WilaWane Store, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new website!

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11 Jun, 2024. Tue Kayanda


It's Mother's Day today. Wila painted me a card at school on Friday. 

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17 Jun, 2024. Mon Peter

Raising Readers: Tips for Dads on Nurturing a Love for Books

One of the greatest discoveries for me as a first-time dad was finding out that there are books tailored to children from age zero.

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17 Jun, 2024. Mon Kayanda

Father's Day Reflection: My Dad and Our Shared Love for Stories

Father's Day is here, and I'm all about the celebrations! These special days always give me an extra reason to feel joyful and since I started WilaWane Store, I pay closer attention to these days. 

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